Friday 28 July 2017

When we two parted

When We Two Parted

By Lord Byron 

When we two parted
In silence and tears,
Half broken-hearted,
To sever for years,
Pale grew thy cheek and cold,
Colder thy kiss;
Truly that hour foretold
Sorrow to this!

The dew of the morning
Sunk chill on my brow
It felt like the warning
Of what I feel now.
Thy vows are all broken,
And light is thy fame:
I hear thy name spoken
And share in its shame.

They name thee before me,
A knell to mine ear;
A shudder comes o'er me--
Why wert thou so dear?
They know not I knew thee,
Who knew thee too well:
Long, long shall I rue thee
Too deeply to tell.

In secret we met
In silence I grieve
That thy heart could forget,
Thy spirit deceive.
If I should meet thee
After long years,
How should I greet thee?
With silence and tears.

When We Two Parted was published in 1813, in the Poetical Works of Byron.It is one of the best and most poignant of all ‘break up’ or ‘missing you’ love poetry.

Stanza 1
The first stanza sets up the parting of the two lovers.  They parted in silence and tears.  They felt very sad that they didn’t even exchange a single word to each other.  Silence spoke volumes on the grief they shared.  They were Half broken-hearted when they decided to part.  Upon parting, the speaker’s beloved became physically cold and pale. When they kissed for the last time he felt her cheek cold.  Her kiss was as cold as her cheek, a change fore shadowing later sorrow which the poet feels at present.

Stanza 2
The poet felt the chill of the morning dew on his brow.  In a way, it was like a warning to him that their love also will grow cold and come to a sad end.  The poet says that his beloved had broken all her promises. She had lost her fame and become a subject of gossip.  He too heard those gossips and felt guilty and shame because he knew that he was also responsible for it.

People talk badly about her in his presence. He feels their words like a church bell tolling a funeral.  He shudders to think of the tragic end of their relationship. He wonders why he loved her so dearly.  Those who spread stories about her do not know that the poet loved her deeply.  The poet regrets of his past actions.  He can’t really express how he feels about it now.

Stanza 4
They met in secret. Now he grieves over it in silence.  He wonders how she can forget everything so soon and throw away his love and trust.  He even wonders how he should greet his beloved if he happens to meet her after many years. He concludes by saying may be ‘with silence and tears’.

1. Love
2. Betrayal 
3. Grief and pain
4. Silence 
5. Shame

1.How does the structure of the poem reflect the subject treated?
The poem tells about the parting of two lovers.  The lover feels very sad that his beloved had left him by denying his love and trust.  The poem consists of four stanza each with 8 lines with the rhyme scheme abab cdcd.  The structure of the poem is in keeping with this subject matter.

2.What is the tone of the poem? Is the poet divided between love and hate for the lady who has betrayed him?
The tone of the poem is melancholic.  The poet’s love is so deep and sincere that he felt extremely sad at the time of parting.  At the same time, he blames his beloved for betraying his trust. Yes, the poem is divided between love and hate for the lady who has betrayed him.

3.What evidence do you find in the poem to support the idea that the relationship the poet had with the lady was platonic?Platonic love means an emotional and spiritual relationship between two lovers that does not involve sexual desire. We can find no evidence in the poem to support the idea that the relationship between the poet and his beloved was platonic.

4.Find out the different meanings that “half broken hearted”conveys.  Does it, in anyway, tell you that the lady had no regrets?
The poet says that he and his beloved were half broken-hearted at the time of parting. ‘Broken-hearted’ means stricken with grief and sorrow.  Here the lovers are only ‘half broken-hearted’ but also their grief is not uncontrollable.  We can’t say that the lady had no regrets for she too felt sad at the time of parting.

5.How will the poet greet her if he happens to meet her after long years? Again “in silence and tears”?
The poet wonders how he should greet his beloved if he happens to meet her after long years. The poet himself is doubtful about it. May be he will greet her in silence and tears as he did at the time of their parting.

6.Do you think a detailed biography of Byron is necessary for a better understanding of the poem?
A detailed biography of Byron will help us to get a better understanding of the poem because the poem contains some personal elements of the poet.

Paragraph  question
1. What do  you feel  about the  poet’s  love to  his  beloved?
The  poet’s  love  to  his  beloved  is  deep and  sincere.  That  is  why  he  felt  very disappointed  at  the time of  their  parting.   The  poet  says that  his  beloved  had broken  all  her promises. His beloved had  lost  her  fame  and  became a subject  of  gossip. The  poet  too  felt  very  guilty  because  he  knew very  well  that  he  was  also  responsible  for  it .  people  talked  badly  about  his  beloved  in  his presence  and  he  felt  their  words  like  a  church  bell  tolling  a  funeral. Only  a  man  who  loved  his beloved  sincerely  could  have  such  a  feeling. He  says  that  those  who  spread  stories  about  her  do not  know  how deeply he loved  her. He  even  wonders how she can so  soon  forget  everything  and throw  away  his trust  and  love. He  still  longs  to  meet  his  beloved  and  wonders  how greet  her  if  he  happens  to  meet  her  after  many  years.

1. Write  a  critical  appreciation  of  the  poem The  poem When  We Two Parted

When  We Two  Parted is  written  by the  famous  romantic  poet  Lord  Byron  and it  is  taken  from the Poetical  Works  of  Byron ‘missing  you’  love  poetry. It  is  one  of  the  best  of  all  ‘break  up’ or missing you love poetry.

The  first  stanza  sets  up  the  parting  of  the  two  lovers.  They  parted  in  silence  and  tears . They felt  very  sad  at  the  time  of  parting  and  they  didn’t  tell  anything  to  each  other. Silence  spoke volumes  on the  grief  they  shared. They  were  half  broken  hearted.  Upon  parting,  the  poet's beloved felt physically cold and pale when she kissed him last time.

The  second  stanza  continues  the  sense  of  foreboding  as  he  felt  the  chill  of  the  morning dew  on  his  brow.    It  was  like  a  warning  to  him  that  their  love  also  will  grow  cold  and  come  to a sad  end.    The  poet  laments  that  his  beloved  had  broken  all  her  promises. She  had  lost  her  fame and  thus  became  a subject  of  gossip. The  poet  too  heard those gossips and felt guilty and ashamed because  he  knew  that  he  was  also  responsible  for  it.

The  poet  loved  her  sincerely  and  deeply , but people  talked  badly  about  his beloved  in  his presence.    He  feels  their words  like  a  church  bell  tolling  a funeral. He  shudders  to  think  of  the tragic  end  of  their  relationship. He wonders  why  she  was  so  dear  to  him.   The  people  who  spread stories  about  her  do  not  know  how  deeply  he  loved  her.  The  poet  regrets  of  words  fail him  to  express his true  feelings.

The  last  stanza  gives  an  expression  to the  poet’s  grief. They met in secret and now he grieves over it in silence. He wonders  how  she  can  forget  everything so  soon  and  give  up  his trust  and  love.   He  also  expresses  his  wish  to  see  his beloved  and  even  wonders  how greet  her if  he  happens  to  meet  her  after  many years.  May be he should greet again her with  silence  and  tears  as  he  did it at the time  of  parting.

2.Analysis of the poem When We Two Parted :

When We Two Parted is written in rhyming format, typical of much of Byron’s work . His choice of words throughout are evocative of sadness — the “silence and tears” imagery, as well as making more of the paleness and coldness of the lover’s face. The idea that the parting of the two left the narrator “half broken-hearted” is another deeply saddening idea, followed by the point that the fullness of separation is a severance that takes and lasts for years.
In the second half of the verse, an element of fate is entwined within the poem; the narrator remembers a time when the two kissed, and the kiss was cold, devoid of emotion, and realizes that the parting of the two was always inevitable; that the moment the warmth left the relationship, the separation and sorrow had been foretold.
The second verse carries on much like the first, maintaining the sobriety of the poem, and continuing the theme of looking back and thinking about the many warning signs throughout the relationship that suggested the parting was doomed to happen one way or the other. Saying “the vows are all broken” could be a reference to the promises a typical couple makes to each other, or it could be a more literal vow, a saddening realization that a marriage has ended. The second half of the verse further suggests that some kind of infidelity may have been the final break in the relationship; suggesting that there is a shame in the name of the other person, as well as the idea of breaking a marital vow could be a reference to a scandal that involved an affair.
The narrator finds himself discussing the apparently publicized figure they’ve recently split up with. The narrator finds himself worried when he hear his lover’s name , referencing the solemn toll of a funeral bell. The line “why wert you so dear?” is a powerful one; despite the scandal and the evident betrayal, the narrator still shudders to hear the name of their lover, and realizes that their pain is going to last for a very long time, and such pain is inexplicably deep; they won’t be able to talk about it, nor will they be able to move on.
The words of this verse largely speak for themselves, carrying the sorrowful theme of the poem to its close by repeating the earlier theme of silence and tears. We learn that the lovers met in secret and so the narrator must grieve alone, feeling as though they have been forgotten and betrayed by their former lover. They realize that if they were to meet their lover again, there would be nothing to say, and nothing to do except to cry, and that would be all there could ever again be.

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