Thursday 18 May 2017

English as a Global language

English as a global language 

In today’s global world, the importance of English cannot be denied and ignored since English is the most common language spoken everywhere. With the help of developing technology, English has been playing a major role in many sectors.

The English language spread across the globe and is more influential in the world of media, medical, communication, trade, technology, Internet, business etc. It is the language of maritime communication and international air traffic control.

The first reason for why english should be the medium of instruction at universities, colleges or educational centres because it help the knowledge seekers to find every bit of knowledge through communicating with the international world. That is why some says it is the language of network society.

Now that english had more or less fully developed itself. Today english is incredibly wide spread and it is constantly expanding. The function of this language has become more powerful enough that, it, advanced from its colonial use to meet global demands.

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