Friday 12 May 2017


What is literature?
Sometimes simple questions  confuse us so much that we do not know how to explain it,because we take certain things and ideas cannot be asked by anyone. And this question is also belongs to that category. One of the easy,always known,and yet difficult to answer it,isn't it ?
The term "literature",referred to any written printed matter on any subject.It is from this source that the term,"literate" was derived.Mattew Arnold (1822-1888) gave final meaning to the term literature:it includes all imaginative writting-poetry,fiction and drama.The rapid rise of literature is intimately related to the growth of the print industry along with another allied concept of culture.
So finally, Literature means writtings with expression in connection with ideas, universal interest and creative imagination through poetry, drama,fiction, nonfiction, history, biography, essays,etc.   

1 comment:

  1. Great initiative...this blog explains literature in easy and simple words. Hope it will be a great help to all literature students.



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