Saturday 13 May 2017

Origin of language

Origin of language

 Language, is something made us to think, imagine, act and express so spontaneous and natural way - where we pay no more attention to it. The most important possession of mankind is language, because it is the primary tool of human progress and civilization that led to the development of all other tools.
 C. L. Barber defines language as a signalling system -which operates with-symbolic vocal sounds-and which is used by some group of people -for the purpose of communication and social cooperation. This definition emphasis the different characteristics of language such as voluntary, symbolic,vocal system, communication,arbitrary sound signal,etc.
Oxford advanced learner's dictionary - "Language is a system of sounds, words, patterns, etc. used by humans to communicate thoughts and feelings "
The origin of language :
For a brief while, try and imagine what our life would be without language. Extremely difficult!  How then this unique thing, language,  originated. Like the origin of earth, is still shrouded in mystery. Several speculation and theories which are pseudo-scientific to explain the probable origin of language.
Evidence are gathered from:
1. Language of children.
2. Language of primitive socities.
3. Behaviour of animals like chimpanzees.
4. Behaviour of suffering from speech defects.
These throw some light on some point of origin of language, but no one knows exactly how language originated.
Language origin theories:
Over the centuries, many theories have been put forward but almost all of them have been challenged one another. All these theories shows the emergence of language in human societies.some of them are:
1. Divine theory : Every society has a divine story to tell about the origin of its language.
2. Natural sound theory : Suggests that first words were imitation of the natural sounds. That is onomatopeic or echonic words.
3. The pooh-pooh theory : The theory traces to the emotional imperfection evoked by pain, pleasure, wonder, etc.
4. The ding dong theory : This theory says that there is a mystic relationship between sound and meaning.
5. The yo-he-ho theory : The theory emphasis on the collective muscular effort with rhythmic chants for loading or unloading such as grunting and groaning noices.
6. Contact theory : Use of sounds were preceeded by calls, cries, etc.
7. The gesture theory : The theory says that visible bodily actions communicate particular messages with others. And the gesture were accompanied by a corresponding movement of the tongue , lips and jaws.
The multiplicity of the theories shows that we are still not reached the definite conclusion. Each theory claim some merit in explaining some aspects of language or words. So it is a big puzzle as to how language originated.But one thing is clear that the language must have been evolved because human needed it to give information, to convey commands, emotions, feelings, maintain social contact and finally to relieve nervous tension.

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