Wednesday 17 May 2017

Important features of human language

Important features of human language

1. Creativity :
Human beings can talk about anything by combining sounds with new expression to describe new objects or situation.  This features is also called productivity.  That is human language is infinite,  but in case of other creatures they are not able to produce new sounds to express new objects or situation.
2. Arbitrariness :
There is no natural connection between sounds and image or its linguistic form and with its meaning. .
Eg. The word 'tree'
There is no logical relationship between the word 'tree' and the word symbolises. That is why different languages use different words for same object.
But there are some words in language called onomatopeic words. They are the words which imitate the sound of particular activity or object. Eg. The snake hissed.
3. Reflexivity :
Only human being can reflect or express the entire experience to others.
4. Displacement :
Human can communicate about a person or things  which was absent and present or tell about past and future.
5. Duality  or double articulation:
Human beings can combine different sounds in different combinations to produce large number of words.
6. Cultural transmission :
The process by which a language is passed on from one generation to the next generation. We acquire a particular language as a part of culture. That a person cannot be accomplished unless we were endowed with an innate language faculty, which requires careful learning. So not can be learned in isolation.
7. Patterning :
Every sound can be combined with certain pattern otherwise we can't produce the particular word. Eg.  Ktpb
So certain types of patterns or rules are followed to produce a word or sentence.
8. Spontaneous :
Human use sounds, words and sentence not with compulsion. Once he/she mastered the language means it can be used fluently or spontaneously.

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